Ways Exercise Can Be Fun For Seniors
Getting seniors interested in exercising is one of the toughest things to do. It’s easy to understand why. Very few people really enjoy exercise even though they know it’s necessary for health. Seniors who have aches and pains and medical conditions that make movement difficult may not want to exercise. But movement is the number one thing that seniors can do to protect their health. Every expert and medical doctor recommends that seniors get more exercise and move more to stay healthy as they get older. Elder care providers can be there to encourage your loved one to exercise.
If your senior parent needs to exercise but has trouble getting motivated to move these 5 things may help them find the fun in exercise:
New Exercise Clothes
It may sound silly but getting a bunch of new activewear and workout clothing may be what motivates your senior parent to get off the couch and start moving. If your senior parent has elder care ask the elder care provider to take your senior parent shopping for some new workout gear or order some online. New shoes, jackets, workout pants, and other workout clothing will encourage your senior parent to get out of the house and exercise.
Trying A New Type Of Exercise
The key to getting a senior to want to exercise is finding a type of exercise that they really enjoy. When exercise is fun your senior parent will be much more likely to do it regularly. Talk to your senior parent to find out if there’s a type of exercise they’ve always wanted to try but were never able to. Ballroom dancing, rock climbing, swimming, or other types of activities that your senior parent has never done before could be exactly what they need to get them moving. Sign them up for classes or find a local gym that offers classes in many different types of activities and get your senior parent membership so they can try lots of new activities.
Just Going For A Walk
If your senior parent really doesn’t like the idea of a workout try to get them to just take a walk. Exercise doesn’t have to be hard to be effective. A 20-minute walk every day could completely change your senior parent’s health if they do it for several months. Small steps, and small workouts, count just as much as bigger ones when it comes to health.
Hiking doesn’t have to be difficult and it has some big mental health benefits for seniors as well as physical ones. Getting outdoors and spending time in nature is something that can lower stress and improve health. Seniors who want to hike should look for family-friendly trails that tend to be easy for anyone to do.
Streaming Workouts
Streaming workouts make it easy for seniors to work out at home. If your senior parent doesn’t want to leave the house to exercise they can do almost any kind of workout at home using streaming workouts on demand that can be accessed on a smart TV, a phone, or a tablet.
If you or an aging loved one are considering Elder Care Services in Littlestown PA, please talk to us. Our friendly staff can answer all of your questions. In-home Senior Care in Adams and York Counties, PA. Call Today: (717) 698-8258.
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