Caregiver of the Month and January Birthdays

Happy Birthday Wishes

We would like to wish a happy birthday to the following clients and caregivers!

Hunter M. –  January 2nd
Jean C. –  January 13th
Edward S. –  January 14th
Phyllis R. –  January 16th

Elder Care Hanover PA - Caregiver of the Month and January Birthdays

Edward S.

Elder Care Hanover PA - Caregiver of the Month and January Birthdays

Phyllis R.











Caregiver of the Month

Elder Care Hanover PA - Caregiver of the Month and January Birthdays

Elder Care Hanover PA – Caregiver of the Month and January Birthdays

We would like to recognize Destiny B. as our Caregiver of the Month for January.

Thank you, Destiny, for going above and beyond for us and your clients. Your dedication and passion for caregiving are shown every day.

We greatly appreciate all you do!

If you or an aging loved one are considering Elder Care Services in Hanover PA, please talk to us. Our friendly staff can answer all of your questions.  In-home Senior Care in Adams and York Counties, PA. Call Today: (717) 698-8258.

Jessica Ott