Personal Care Services Help Seniors Maintain Their Dignity

One thing that many seniors struggle with as they get older is maintaining their dignity. As seniors get older and have trouble with everyday tasks they may not want to ask for help because they feel it takes away their dignity. This happens frequently when seniors struggle with hygiene tasks like bathing, brushing their teeth, or applying deodorant. As seniors age they may not be able to grip a toothbrush well enough to hold it. Or they may not be able to fasten buttons or zippers on their clothing. Brushing their hair can also be a challenge. Personal care at home services can help.

Not being able to attend to their hygiene can leave seniors feeling embarrassed and helpless. When seniors have personal care at home they get help from trained caregivers. And they get to keep their dignity. Seniors can look the way they want to look with their hair brushed, makeup on, and clean clothes that are fastened correctly.

Some of the ways that personal care at home helps seniors maintain their dignity as they get older are:

Personal Care at Home Littlestown PA - Personal Care Services Help Seniors Maintain Their Dignity

Personal Care at Home Littlestown PA – Personal Care Services Help Seniors Maintain Their Dignity

Brushing Teeth

If your senior parent has natural teeth and are unable to brush their teeth they may worry about their breath or the appearance of their teeth. This can make them want to not see people or talk to people. Social isolation can be very bad for a senior’s physical and mental health. With personal care at home, seniors have assistance brushing their teeth and using mouthwash daily. That will give them the confidence to welcome visitors and conversations.

Brushing Hair

Women are particularly concerned about their hair looking unkempt. If your mom never went out without her hair being done and now she doesn’t have the manual strength or dexterity to brush it that can knock down her confidence and make her feel bad about herself. However, having a personal care at home provider who can help her brush and style her hair will make her feel great. A care provider can also use some dry shampoo to keep mom’s hair looking great between washes.

Showering And Bathing

Not being able to shower or bathe alone safely is devastating to many seniors. No one wants to feel dirty or worry that they have an unpleasant odor. And sometimes a hot shower can do wonders for your mood too. But, seniors do have to be very careful when it comes to showering or bathing. In a huge number of cases when seniors fall they fall in the bathroom while showering.

Having an experienced care provider that knows how to safely help your mom or dad shower can give your mom or dad their dignity back and help them stay safe at home.

Getting Dressed

Being dressed in a nice outfit that’s clean and has all buttons buttoned and zippers zipped is the final step in giving seniors their dignity. Once they are clean and have brushed their teeth and hair a nice outfit will make them feel confident and ready to take on the world.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home Services in Littlestown PA, please get in touch with us. Our friendly staff can answer all of your questions. In-Home Senior Care in Adams and York Counties, PA. Call Today: (717) 698-8258.

Jessica Ott
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