Help for Chemotherapy Side Effects
With a cancer diagnosis often comes a treatment plan that includes chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a type of treatment where drugs are injected into the body to attack and kill the cancer cells. It is a very strong treatment that has great success in curing cancer or slowing down its progress greatly, but it also often has health side effects that can make completing normal daily tasks difficult if not impossible. If your loved one wants to manage her chemo treatment from home, having 24-hour home care providers stay with her during the treatment can help her stay safe and have the help she needs to recover.
Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Your loved one’s cancer care team will talk with her about which side effects she may experience as she journeys through her treatment process. Depending on each person, the type of chemo they receive, and the type of cancer they have, the side effects may be different.
Here are the most common forms of side effects from chemotherapy.
- Appetite Changes. Your loved one may deal with nausea and vomiting and find it difficult to keep any food or liquid down. Even food she loves may not taste strange and not be palatable.
- Fatigue. As normal cells die off due to treatment, the body is likely to become very tired. Your loved one may struggle to complete daily tasks.
- Muscular Issues. Your loved one may have achy and tired muscles. The strength may decrease and may feel “asleep” often.
- Hair Loss. Many chemo treatments result in hair loss due to the drugs used. Areas like the scalp may become itchy and tender.
- Gastrointestinal Struggles. From constipation to diarrhea, your loved one may struggle with regularity during his chemo treatment plan.
- Skin Changes. The nails and skin may become dry. Nails may break or split and skin can become dry, itchy, and scaly.
24-Hour Home Care Can Help Manage Chemo Treatment Side Effects
24-hour home care can be especially helpful if family members or friends are not able to provide constant care during this time. A 24-hour home care team will ensure someone is in the home at all times to provide the care she needs, helping her recovery time to be managed better.
Here are just a few ways a 24-hour home care team can help.
- Meal prep. Your loved one may not want to eat, or she may want to eat only specific items but doesn’t have the energy to prepare them. A 24-hour home care team will help her eat meals that provide the nutrients she needs while going through treatment. They can also help with encouraging proper hydration which will allow her body to work better.
- Home Care. For many, seeing a messy home around them causes stress and anxiety. This can compound the fatigue your loved one already feels due to the chemotherapy treatment. Having someone there to help with home chores can help your loved one rest like she should.
- Personal Care. The fatigue can make it difficult for your loved one to shower, brush her hair, or take care of herself. A 2-hour home care team can help her whenever she needs it, even if it’s a bathroom visit in the middle of the night. The 24-hour home care team doesn’t sleep providing round-the-clock care.
A 24-hour home care team can be an important part of your loved one’s cancer treatment plan.
If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-Hour Home Care Services in McSherrystown PA, please get in touch with us. Our friendly staff can answer all of your questions. In-Home Senior Care in Adams and York Counties, PA. Call Today: (717) 698-8258.
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